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Combining Motherhood and Exercise: Tips and Tricks

Making Time for Exercise

Motherhood can leave little time for exercise, but it is important to make time for physical activity to maintain mental and physical well-being. Finding those few minutes can be a challenge, but it’s worth it in the end. Here are a few tips:
  • Wake up early or stay up later
  • Get a workout buddy and schedule specific times to exercise (even if it’s virtual)
  • Incorporate exercise into a daily routine (i.e., working out before the kids wake up or during nap time)
  • Find a gym with childcare to make exercising a family activity
  • Invest in an at-home workout program so you can exercise with your children around

Make it a Family Affair

Get your kids involved in your workouts. Not only does it make it more fun, but it teaches them the importance of physical activity. Here are a few ideas:
  • Take walks as a family
  • Play games outside, like basketball, kickball or soccer
  • Participate in family-friendly fitness classes
  • Have dance parties in your living room
  • Go for a family bike ride

Be Creative

If you can’t find time for a full workout, don’t worry! Any form of physical activity counts. Here are a few ways to fit exercise into your daily routine:
  • Do squats while folding laundry
  • Hold a plank during TV commercial breaks
  • Stretch while reading a book to your child
  • Do lunges while vacuuming
  • Take the stairs instead of the elevator

Final Thoughts

Finding time to exercise while also taking care of your children can be overwhelming, but it’s important to prioritize your own health and wellness, too. Don’t be too hard on yourself, and remember, even a little bit of exercise is better than none. Happy sweating!

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