Making Time for Exercise
- Wake up early or stay up later
- Get a workout buddy and schedule specific times to exercise (even if it’s virtual)
- Incorporate exercise into a daily routine (i.e., working out before the kids wake up or during nap time)
- Find a gym with childcare to make exercising a family activity
- Invest in an at-home workout program so you can exercise with your children around
Make it a Family Affair
- Take walks as a family
- Play games outside, like basketball, kickball or soccer
- Participate in family-friendly fitness classes
- Have dance parties in your living room
- Go for a family bike ride
Be Creative
- Do squats while folding laundry
- Hold a plank during TV commercial breaks
- Stretch while reading a book to your child
- Do lunges while vacuuming
- Take the stairs instead of the elevator